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Introduce the chemical recycling method of pet health care plastic bottles

Now pet health care plastic bottle is a kind of packaging with a relatively high usage rate in the health care product packaging industry. The health care product packaging bottle can be widely used in many fields such as food, medicine, and chemical industry. Manufacturers supply more and more popular plastic bottle products Many, moderately priced pet health care plastic bottles are also an important choice for many businesses. Then comes the problem of pollution, and a large number of plastic bottles are facing waste after use. So how to recycle these plastic bottles after they are discarded?

The pet health care plastic bottle chemical recycling method, the pet pellets after physical or chemical recycling are used in the following ways:
1. To remanufacture plastic bottles, raw pellets cannot be used in direct contact with food, but can be used in the middle layer of three-layer plastic bottles, and then made into carbonated beverage bottles.
2. Spinning to make fibers, the raw pet material can be used to spin to make fibers, which can be used as sleeping bags, quilts, pillow cores, felts, etc.
3. Glass fiber reinforced material, the glass fiber reinforced raw pet has good heat resistance and mechanical strength, and can be used to make auto parts, such as heat-resistant car wheel covers.
4. Blending modification, the raw pet material can be blended with other polymers to produce various modified materials, such as blending with PE, pet blends with perfect impact properties can be obtained; if a little poly Propylene, the dimensional stability of the blend can be significantly improved. Due to the large difference in performance between PE and PET, compatibilization treatment is required during blending, and compatibility is generally improved by graft modification of polyolefin.

Discarded pet health care plastic bottles are reprocessed after being processed, but in addition to remaking pet plastic bottles, they can also be used to make sleeping bags, pillow cores, car wheel covers, etc. The current consumption of pet health care plastic bottles is relatively high. The plastic bottles can be reprocessed to turn waste into treasure, which not only solves the problem of insufficient pet raw materials, but also reduces environmental pollution and resource waste. Its recycling technology has a relatively broad prospect.